
This newsletter contains information about the products and services offered by One Plus Capital Ltd.

Such information does not constitute advice and should not be relied upon as a substitute for consultation of any kind with professional advisors. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance.

One Plus Capital Ltd excludes any warranties, undertakings or representations (expressed or implied) as to the accuracy, availability, completeness or suitability of use of the information in this newsletter. This newsletter may contain links to websites that are created and maintained by other organisations. 

One Plus Capital Ltd does not assume any responsibility or liability for any information presented on linked websites. Nothing in this disclaimer shall limit or exclude any of One Plus Capital’s liabilities in any way that is not permitted under applicable law.

Investors should be aware that any products or securities mentioned have their own specific level of risk. Each investor is made aware and should be familiar with and understand the types of financial instruments in which his/her assets may be invested pursuant to the investment strategy.

The investor should be aware that one particular chosen investment strategy may involve a higher degree of risk than another investment strategy. Our Strategies may include investments that may entail a very high degree of risk and which could lead to the loss of the capital invested in such funds.

There can be no guarantee that the strategies, tactics and methods discussed here will be successful. Past Performance analysis of securities and prices fluctuate in value and may not be indicative of specific future results.

75 Prodromou Avenue
Oneworld Parkview House

P.O. Box 2063

Nicosia 1307, Cyprus 

T :+35722873760

E :info@onepluscapital.net

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Legal Framework

One Life Partners Provident Fund is governed by the Establishment, Activities and Supervision of Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision Law of 2012 (L.208(1)2012) and is supervised by the Registrar of Occupational Retirement Benefits Funds.
